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Here're ways to Check Electricity Bill Amount Online

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Paying Electricity bills online is a very simple and convenient process. All you have to do is find out
your customer ID number and bill amount from your latest electricity bill, visit mobile applications or websites like Paytm, enter the electricity bill details, and proceed with the payment.

What is a Customer Identification Number?

A customer identification number is a number allotted to the consumer by the electricity board. Various electricity boards have various formats for allotting the customer identification numbers to their customers.

Some of the terms commonly used to refer to a customer identification number are – CA Number, Account Number, Consumer Number etc.

You can easily find your customer identification number, using a copy of any of your previous electricity bill.

If you have an old bill with yourself, just look for the customer identification number and use it to find out the bill amount of your current electricity bill.

How to Find The Customer Identification Number?

It may be difficult for you to locate the customer identification number on your electricity bill.

However, you can find your customer identification number with the help of a sample bill on Paytm.

Here are the steps that you need to follow to find out your customer identification number to check the bill amount or make a bill payment on Paytm-

1. Open Paytm’s mobile application and go to the Electricity bill Payment page. Select your state and click on ‘electricity board’

2. Fill the form available on the left side of the screen, and click on ‘View Sample Bill’ adjacent to the customer identification number section

3. The location of the customer identification number on the bill is highlighted on the sample bill. Look for your customer identification number on any of your previous bills

4. Enter the customer identification number and click on ‘Proceed’. You will be able to see your electricity bill amount

5. Proceed with the payment with your preferred payment method

Paytm will notify you about the payment on your registered mobile number as soon as you process the payment.

Other Ways of Checking Electricity Bill Amount Online

Even though Paytm provides you with a very convenient and fast way to check your electricity bill amount;

if you still wish to, you can also view your electricity bill online on the official website of your electricity board such as SBPDCL, TSSPDCL, UPPCL, TNEB, APSPDCL etc.

Kindly note that the process of electricity bill payment may vary from one electricity board to the other but a few major steps remain common-

1. Visit the official website of the electricity board. Log in using your credentials

2. Locate the ‘View Bill’ option and click on it. Enter your customer identification number and other details

3. Enter Captcha (if there is one) and click on ‘Proceed/Submit’

This method to pay your electricity bill may be more complex as compared to that available on Paytm.

It is so because it requires you to log in to the official website of the electricity board and ask for additional information other than the customer identification number.

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