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Co-Win Now Allows Vaccination Rectification Date

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Co-WIN portal has introduced a new feature to submit rectification request of vaccination date in the Covid-19 vaccination certificates, in case the date printed differs from the actual date of vaccination. 

 â€œA new provision has been incorporated

in the Co-WIN system, in which any citizen can apply for the corrections in the date of vaccination or the vaccination centre. If these details are not recorded in the vaccination certificate, then the beneficiary should log onto the Co-WIN system and in the dashboard select the raise an issue option, thereafter the option for vaccination date correction is available," said Vikas Sheel, additional secretary in the union ministry of health and family welfare in a tweet 

Beneficiaries can further track the status of their request on the Co-WIN portal and also seek help from Co-WIN helpline in terms of either making or tracking the request.  

“The beneficiary should provide the date of vaccination and also upload document as a proof in support of such request. All such requests will be transferred to the district level immunization officer and DIU will then resolve such complaints. We have directed the State government and district level officers to resolve these issues within three-five days of receiving such requests," Sheel said in his tweet.

The government plans to make India’s covid-19 vaccination platform, CoWin, open-source, and its technology shared with all countries seeking to use it to combat the pandemic. More than 50 countries across Central Asia, Latin America, and Africa have shown interest in the CoWin platform as reported by Mint earlier.

 â€œI believe that with these provisions beneficiaries will get help in having the correct certificate and also availing precaution or second dose of vaccination if any such recording was done incorrectly by vaccination centre at the time of vaccination. With these changes, we hope that things will be much better for the beneficiaries and everybody will be able to get the correct vaccination certificates," Sheel said in his tweet.

Till 7 pm on Thursday, more than 14 lakh vaccine doses were administered taking the total tally of vaccination to around 185.36 crore vaccination doses. More than 2.40 crore children under the 12-14 years of age have received the vaccine dose so far.

This comes in the backdrop of scientists of National Institute of Virology (NIV), Pune to analyze the detected samples of the new covid mutant virus—XE variant—found in Mumbai. On Wednesday, Brihanmumbai Municipal Corporation (BMC) in a press statement said that ‘XE variant’ and Kappa Variant has been reported in Mumbai. According to BMC statement, a 50-year-old woman who is fully vaccinated and asymptomatic is the first case of Omicron XE variant in Mumbai. The patient returned from South Africa in February. 

According to WHO; a new Covid-19 mutant—-’XE variant’—-is a hybrid strain of two Omicron sub variants, and claimed to be the most transmissible covid-19 strain so far. Globally, XE variant has been reported in UK, New Zealand and China among other countries. As on date, India has detected more than 4.9 crore confirmed covid cases with 5.2 lakh deaths so far.


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