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What is the password of e-aadhaar - Know Everything about it

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e-Aadhaar is a digital form of a physical Aadhaar card. It is digitally signed by the UIDAI as per the provision written under Information Technology Act 2000. As per the act, an e-Aadhaar with a digital signature is acceptable wherever a physical Aadhaar card is required. It is to be noted that an e-Aadhaar card is not a substitute for a physical Aadhaar card as it works similar to the latter one.

Following are the two ways to open an e-Aadhaar card-

  • Enter the PIN number of the postal address
  • Enter the e-Aadhaar password

What is an e-Aadhaar Password?

An e-Aadhaar password is a layer of protection made for the digital e-Aadhaar. It needs to be entered by the user before downloading the e-Aadhaar PDF file. e-Aadhaar password is a combination of the first four letters of the user’s name and year of birth.

For example- Suppose, the user’s name is Mukund and his date of birth is 20th November 1994. The password of this user will be MUKU1994.

An Aadhaar card contains the user’s sensitive and personal details. It can be downloaded online without much effort. Thus, it is protected with a password that requires it to be entered every time a user accesses the file so that no personal information is compromised.

e-Aadhaar is presented in a PDF format protected with a password. To open it, a user is required to follow the given mentioned steps-

  1. Double click on the e-Aadhaar PDF file
  2. Upon opening, enter the e-Aadhaar password
  3. Enter the first four letters of your name and the date of birth to get your e-Aadhaar

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