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Take care of this while withdrawing cash from ATM - Know details

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Amid the increasing cases of cybercrime, nowadays it is not safe to withdraw money from ATMs along with online transactions. The availability of cash at any time has become easier due to ATMs at the same time possibility of fraud also has increased. Every day some new case related to ATM fraud comes to the fore.

In such a situation, a little caution can save you from any kind of untoward incident. Before withdrawing money from an ATM, you should check that the ATM from which you are withdrawing is secure. The biggest danger in ATM is from card cloning.

Know how your details can be stolen from ATM machine: Hackers steal the data of any customer from the slot where the card is inserted in the ATM machine. They put such a device in the card slot of the ATM machine, which scans the complete information of your card. After this, they steal the data from Bluetooth or any other wireless device.

In order to have full access to your debit card, the hacker needs to have your PIN number. Hackers can track the PIN number with a camera. To avoid this, whenever you enter your PIN number in the ATM, hide it with the other hand, so that the image cannot go in the CCTV camera.

When you go to the ATM, check the card slot of the ATM machine carefully. If you feel that any tampering has been done in the ATM card slot or if the slot is loose or there is any other fault, then do not use it.

When inserting the card into the card slot, pay attention to the light on in it. If the green light is on in the slot then the ATM is safe. But if there is red or any light in it, then do not use the ATM. This could be a sign of something wrong.

If ever you feel that you have fallen into the trap of hackers and the bank is also closed, then you should contact the police. By giving this information to the police as soon as possible, you can get fingerprints there. You can also see who has a working Bluetooth connection around you, making it easier to reach that person.

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