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Here’s how to exchange torn or mutilated currency notes

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If you’re also in possession of a torn or mutilated currency note, then you need not worry, as you can easily exchange them with new notes. All you need to do is follow the below-mentioned guidelines as issued by the Reserve Bank of India (RBI).  


how to change torn notes with new currency: 

According to RBI, if you receive a mutilated note from an ATM, then you can easily exchange them at any public sector bank (PSBs). The government banks can’t refuse to exchange notes. 

A mutilated note is a piece of currency whose one portion is missing or which is composed of more than two pieces, as per RBI directions. You will need to fill the form to change the torn note from the bank. 

You’ll receive the full money back against your mutilated notes, irrespective of the condition of the currency. However, if the note is torn, then the bank could charge a slight charge for replacing the note.

Moreover, if a bank refuses to change your torn or mutilated note, then you can register your complaint with the RBI. You can visit to complain about an SBI bank under the General Banking/Cash Related category. Other banks have also placed more or less similar mechanisms using which customers can register their complaints. 


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