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Transferred money to wrong account - Here’s how to recover it

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In mobile banking, money is frequently transferred from one account to another or vice versa. However, this can also happen in the case of banking fraud. Actually, UPI, net banking, and mobile wallet have greatly decreased the obstacles associated with banking transactions. Money transfers can now be completed quickly and easily using only a cell phone.

However, money is frequently transferred to the incorrect number in this situation. In this scenario, you may also be eligible for a refund. Let us know how it works.

Many attempts are undertaken on a continuous basis to make banking facilities more accessible. However, there have been some issues with this. What would you do, for example, if you transferred money to someone else's account by mistake? I'm not sure how I'm going to get that money back. You must have done something similar at some point in your life. You can get your money back if you unintentionally moved it to another account.

Inform the bank immediately 

Notify your bank as soon as you discover that you have moved money to someone else's account by mistake. Call customer service and tell them everything that happened. If the bank requests all of the information from the e-mail, provide full details of the transaction that resulted from the error. Make a note of the transaction's date and time, as well as your account number and the account to which the funds were mistakenly transferred. 


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