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Check LIC policy status, details and more Online - Know how to do it

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LIC is now giving its customers the facility to view the statement online and get all the information related to the policy.

  1. Go to LIC’s e-service portal. Here you will see two options on the screen – New User and Registered User. Click on the one you come in
  2. Go to login and proceed with username and password
  3. Once you are logged in to the service account of LIC, then many options related to the policy and account start appearing here. Now you have to click on the policy status tab.
  4. All the policies that are running from this account, you will get information about them all together here. If you have more than one policy in your name but have not listed it, then you can do it here. For this, you have to click on the enroll policy option. It will be found in the e-services tools section.
  5. Now by entering your policy number, you can get its details. With this, information about policy name, policy term, table number, next premium due date, sum assured will be found together.

What do new policyholders do?

If you are a new policyholder and registering for e-service for the first time, then it will take some time. For this, online registration form has to be filled. In this, information about the username and password will have to be given. After filling the form, you will get a mail on the registered email from LIC. There will be a link in it, on clicking on which you will go to the portal of LIC. You will be able to open your account through the username and password entered in the form. Here first of all you have to give information about your policy number, date of birth, premium amount etc. After that press the submit button.

New user register yourself like this

  • Visit the official website of LIC. The online services tab will appear on the left side of the home page.
  • Click on LIC e-services link here. From here you will go directly to the new page where the new user tab will appear.
  • Here press the new user button. From here you will be redirected to a new page where the policy related form will have to be filled.
  • Enter your correct number in the policy number.
  • Provide information about the amount of premium you pay, without GST.
  • Enter the date of birth, month and year details.
  • The policyholder will have to enter a mobile number on which premium payment alert, policy maturity alert and due premium information can be received.
  • After this, the policyholder will also have to enter the active email id.
  • Now after entering the User ID and Password, press the submit button. Your registration will be completed and you will be logged in to your account.

Get information through SMS

Those who have not registered online can also get information through SMS on their mobile phones. For this, the policyholder will have to send a message to 56767877. If you want to know the premium installment, then after ASKLIC, write the policy number then premium and send it to 56767877. To know about the bonus amount, after ASKLIC, write the policy number, bonus and send it to 56767877. To know the revival amount, after ASKLIC, write the policy number revival and send it to 56767877. From there a message will come immediately in which complete information will be given.

Before taking online service, some important things have to be done. First of all, you have to register for this in LIC. Your mobile number will also be registered in this. On this basis your user account will be created. In this, you can know the status of your policy by entering all the details related to LIC policy. Along with this, you can get information about premium payment, how much bonus has been received, group scheme etc. To check LIC status online, you have to do these things-

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