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PF advance needed check balance via missed call or SMS

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If you’re also facing difficulties in checking your PF account balance, then let us you that the process is really simple. All you need to do is place a missed call or send an SMS to check the balance in a
snap.  You can also check the balance from the EPFO’s official website but that process is really long, can be burdensome for technologically challenged investors of PF.

Check PF balance via missed call 

You can check your PF balance via a missed call on 011-22901406 from the mobile number registered with your PF account. You will get a message with the information about the PF balance in your account soon after the call disconnects. 

Check PF balance via message 

Besides the missed call option, you can also check the PF balance by sending a message to EPFO’s official number. All you need to do is text your UAN (Universal Account Number) in this format: EPFOHO UAN.  

You’ll have to send the message to 7738299899. However, you’ll have to take note that your UAN account must be active for availing the service. 

You can avail the facility in 10 languages ​​including Hindi, English, Punjabi. For example, if you want to know your balance in Hindi, then type EPFOHO UAN HIN and message it to 7738299899.

Similarly, there are different codes for different languages:​

1. No code for English

2. Hindi- HIN

3.Punjabi - PUN

4. Gujarati - GUJ

5. Marathi - MAR

6. Kannada - KAN

7. Telugu - TEL

8. Tamil - TAM

9. Malayalam - MAL

10. Bengali - BEN


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