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Know How To Re-Register Digital Signature Certificate On New IT E-filing Portal

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The Income Tax Department has asked the taxpayers to re-register their digital signature certificate (DSC) once again on the newly launched Income Tax e-filing portal ( Taxpayers have been asked to re-register their DSC as the earlier digital signature on the old portal cannot be migrated.

The communication by the department said, "Please ensure that you re-register your current valid DSC on the new e-filing portal from June 7th onwards. The earlier DSC registration on the old portal cannot be migrated due to security and technical reasons."

What is a Digital Signature Certificate?

Digital Signature Certificates (DSC) are the digital equivalent (that is electronic format) of physical or paper certificates. Few Examples of physical certificates are drivers' licenses, passports or membership cards. DSC is a certificate that authenticates a digital message or document.

They have been given the same status as handwritten signatures under the IT Act, 2000. This means that if an individual's DSC is present on any virtual or digital document, it indicates that the person has authenticated it. DSC can be presented electronically to prove one’s identity, to access information or services on the internet or to sign certain documents digitally.

These digital signatures are generally used at the time of e-filing income tax return as it is mandatory to sign the ITR at the time of submission. 

How to obtain DSC?

These certificates are issued by Certification Authorities (CAs). DSCs are signed using the private key assigned to that Certification Authority and it contains:

Owner's name

Owner's public key

Expiry date of the public key

Name of Certification Authority that issued the DSC

Serial number assigned to DSC

Digital signature of the issuer

Digital Signature Certificate (DSC) applicants can directly approach Certifying Authorities (CAs) with original supporting documents, and self-attested copies will be sufficient in this case. DSCs can also be obtained, wherever offered by CA, using Aadhar eKYC based authentication.

A letter/certificate issued by a Bank containing the DSC applicant’s information as retained in the Bank database can be accepted. Such letter/certificate should be certified by the Bank Manager. The cost of obtaining a digital signature certificate may vary as there are many entities issuing DSCs and their charges may differ. Hence you are advised to check with Certifying Authority directly for charges.

Prerequisites for DSC registration:

For registering the DSC, the taxpayer must be a registered user of the e-Filing portal with valid user ID and password with downloaded and installed the emsigner utility. The USB token procured from a Certifying Authority Provider should be plugged into the computer, laptop. DSC USB token should be Class 2 or Class 3 Certificate and DSC to be registered should be active and not expired. The DSC should not be revoked.

How to register DSC on the new portal:

The authorized signatory or Individual would log into the E-filing website( using the Login particulars such as the user ID which may be your Aadhar Number, PAN or any other ID and password of the company/firm/HUF/Individual etc.

  • Click on ‘My Profile’ from the Dashboard. 
  • At the left side of the screen, click on the ‘Register DSC’.
  • Enter the linked mail id then select “I have downloaded and installed emsigner utility” and click on ‘Continue’
  • Select the Provider and Certificate. Enter Provider Password. Click on ‘Sign’
  • If the validation is successful then a message will be displayed with the option to go to the Dashboard.

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