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Locate nearest COVID-19 vaccination centre on WhatsApp - here is how

Government of India opened vaccination to people between the ages of 18 to 44 years, people have been struggling to book a slot for a vaccine appointment. Some Indians have also created
dedicated portals to help inform people when slots are available for booking on the app.

Verify Covid-19 Vaccination certificate

Now, Facebook-owned messaging platform WhatsApp is introducing a new feature that will help Indian users locate the nearest COVID-19 vaccination centre. WhatsApp will employ the MyGov Corona Helpdesk chatbot on its platform. The chatbot was launched earlier this year and has now been updated to aid users in locating the closest vaccination centre.

Covid-19 Vaccine Finder - Here's How to use it

Govt tweeted :- 

Find your nearest vaccination center right here, through the MyGov Corona Helpdesk Chatbot! Simply type ‘Namaste’ at 9013151515 on WhatsApp or visit Prepare, don't panic! #LargestVaccineDrive #IndiaFightsCorona

Register for Vaccination on UMANG App for 18-44 Age-group

WhatsApp will employ the MyGov Corona Helpdesk chatbot on its platform

How to locate the nearest vaccination centre using WhatsApp?

Paytm brings Covid-19 Vaccine Finder - Here's How to use it

  1. First, save the official number for the Government of India's Corona Helpdesk on your phone, i.e., 9013151515.
  2. The type, “Type Namaste, Hi or Hello” to start the chat session.
  3. Once you do this, you will receive an automated message that will ask you to choose from an option from a list of services available, which includes COVID Vaccination, Professional Advice to Improve Immunity, Latest alerts about coronavirus, etc.
  4. In this case, you will select option number 1, which is COVID Vaccination by simply replying “1”.
  5. You will then be asked to enter your six-digital postal code.
  6. Doing this will provide a list of vaccination centres in your PIN code.
  7. Lastly, it will also include a link to the CoWIN website where you can register yourself and book a slot for the COVID-19 vaccination.


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