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Here is guide to find out Authorised COVID-19 Testing Centers Nearby

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Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR) is an apex body with the oldest and the largest research body in the world. Currently, the ICMR has a total of 2486 laboratories, which includes 1236 government laboratories
and 1250 private laboratories. At present, the government and private hospitals are conducting three kinds of testing for Covid-19: Real-Time RT PCR, TrueNat Test, and CBNAAT Test.

The ICMR has confirmed 553 government institutes and 883 private institutes to conduct RT-PCR (reverse transcriptase-polymerase chain reaction) test for covid-19. This test only takes a sample of the throat and nasal swab.

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Reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction or RT-PCR is a nucleic acid-based test that is the most sensitive in the early detection of infection. In this test, healthcare staff collects a sample by swabbing the nasal passage or throat.TrueNat Test is generally used to detect tuberculosis.

Find authorised Covid-19 Testing Centres :-

Step 1: You could easily walk into any of these centres for a Covid test without a referral.

As stated by the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, you are first advised to call on the toll-free number 1075 or central helpline number +91-11-23978046 for information before going for a Covid test.

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Step 2: Visit this official link of ICMR under the Department of Health Research, Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, Government of India.

This website will help you find out all the active laboratories across Indian states and UTs

Step 3: A different procedure the easiest way to find a covid-19 testing lab is through Google Maps. The Google company has announced to work closely with ICMR and Mygov India to provide information related to coronavirus testing Centre across the country.

The feature is available for both Google search and Google Assistant. Users can search for the testing Centre in English, Hindi, and 7 other regional languages. This might need a doctor’s prescription.

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