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Railways new zero-based time table - What it could mean for passengers

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Railway Board Chairman and CEO, VK Yadav has confirmed the news that the new zero based timetable will reduce the traveling time for long distance trains between 30 minutes and six hours
on an average. The timetable is scheduled to be introduced once the situation caused by the Coronavirus simmers down.

As of now, the Indian Railways operates only 50 per cent of its total fleet. This amounts to only 908 express or mail trains. However, this number was about 1800 trains before the COVID-19 situation and the lockdown imposed nationwide. 

The timetable will demand that the existence of every train and stop be justified. The goal behind this is to make sure that the available resources be utilized for transportation.

Zero Based Timetable To Increase Occupancy Of Trains, Speeds Of Trains

Speaking at a conference, Yadav said that the occupancy of the “poorly-patronised trains” will be increased due to this new timetable. It will also help reduce the waitlisting in the trains that have a high demand.

He said, “Once the timetable is operational, the journey time of long distance trains will be reduced between half an hour and six hours on an average. Under this timetable, the speeds of trains will also increase.”

As per reports, stoppages or halts will not be removed, but they would be rationalized. Yadav has also said that professional studies are being conducted to verify which trains and halts are required to be rationalized, which trains are to be merged. 

He has also said that things are yet to be finalized and has also assured passengers of the Indian Railways that no inconvenience will be caused in any way.

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