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Government brings ‘CO-WIN’ app for COVID-19 vaccine delivery

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Central Government has introduced a new digital platform called 'CO-WIN' for COVID-19 vaccine delivery. There will be a new mobile app as well with the same name that will allow people to register for the vaccine. 

The platform will be used for recording vaccine data and will form a database of healthcare workers too. All COVID-19 related data necessary for the delivery of the vaccine is presently being uploaded on the CO-WIN platform.

The app will have separate modules for administrator, registration, vaccination, beneficiary acknowledgement and reports. Once people start to register for the app, the platform will upload bulk data on co-morbidity provided by local authorities.

The CO-WIN. app is yet to be available for smartphone users and it is expected that it will be publicly available soon. The different modules of the platform cater to the entire process of COVID-19 vaccination starting from registration to verification.

“The vaccination module will verify beneficiary details and update vaccination status while the beneficiary acknowledgement module will send SMS to beneficiaries and also generate QR-based certificates after one gets vaccination,” as per a report by PTI. The CO-WIN platform will also be used to send real time temperature details of storage facilities to the main servers. 

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  1. Kindly let us know the details as when the 'CO-WIN' app vl be started.

  2. Is it free of cost or on payment basis,and if so,how much and how many doses,and their cost.
