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How to locate nearest JP Centre for Digital Life Certificate for Pensioners

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Jeevan Pramaan is a biometric enabled digital service for pensioners. Pensioners of Central Government, State Government or any other Government organisation can take benefit of this facility. 

More than 1 crore families in India can be classified as pensioner families,
where the pension disbursed by the various government bodies forms the basis for their income and sustainability, as per 

Digital Life Certificate for Pensioners: Here is how to locate and find the nearest location of a Jeevan Pramaan Centre:-

- Log on to to find the nearest location of a Jeevan Pramaan Centre

- Select location type

- Select state

- Select district

How to use the Locator?

The Jeevan Pramaan Locator works by searching a location based on the the Location Type, State, District or either by keying in your Pincode.

Earlier, a landmark step was taken by Modi government. The Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances & Pensions, Department of Pension and Pensioners’ Welfare (DoPPW) vide its circular no. 12/4/2020-P&PW(C)-6300, dated 17.01.2020 has issued directions to all the Pension Disbursing Banks to send SMSs/Emails to all their pensioners on 24th October, 1st November, 15th November and 25th November every year reminding them to submit their Annual Life Certificates by 30th November.

The Department, for stricter monitoring in order to ensure that no pensioners are left out, directed all Pension Disbursing Banks to make an exception list as on 1st December every year of those pensioners who fail to submit their Life Certificate and issue another SMS/Email to them for submitting the Life Certificate.

The bank in addition will also ask such pensioners through SMS/Email as to whether they are interested in submission of Life Certificate through a chargeable doorstep service, the charge not exceeding Rs.60/-.

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