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Handy features in UIDAI's new mAadhaar app

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Unique Identification Authority of India (UIDAI) has released a new version of the mAadhaar app. The platform, as the name suggests, lets users have their Aadhaar details on their phone and use the same for availing several Aadhaar-based services.

Biometrics from your phone :-

In addition to pulling your Aadhaar details on your phone, the new mAadhaar app brings the ability to lock or unlock biometrics from the device.

The feature locks down the biometrics - both fingerprint and iris scan - stored in the Aadhaar database, preventing the risk of potential misuse.

However, do note that locking biometrics would also keep you from using biometrics for authentication.

Aadhaar sharing via QR code :-

The new app also provides the option to share Aadhaar details privately by using a QR code or a virtual ID.

The options can be accessed by tapping on the 'MyAadhaar' section of the app, entering your password and choosing either 'Show QR Code' or 'Generate VID' option.

Both options will save you from the trouble of sharing Aadhaar number time and again.

Authentication history from the app :-

The new mAadhaar app even allows checking Aadhaar authentication history.

So, if you think your Aadhaar card details have been misused somewhere, you can simply head over to the authentication history option under the 'MyAadhaar' section of the app and check the list.

The feature would send an OTP for verification and also provide date and other options for filtering results.

Aadhaar card printed, delivered easily :-

Finally, if you misplace your Aadhaar somewhere, there is also the option to get a new one printed in the app.

You just have to fill in some basic details and make a payment of Rs. 50 to get the new card printed and delivered at your doorstep.

You can access this capability from the 'Order Aadhaar reprint' option after registering on the app.

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