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Book train tickets faster with this IRCTC feature

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Train ticket booking becomes extremely stressful when the payments takes too much time and by the time your payment gateway opens, the seats are booked. Ticket booking, especially during Tatkal ticket booking time,
requires quick payment processing for higher chances of getting a confirmed ticket. 

It may be noted that IRCTC iMudra payment wallet allows users to seamlessly book train tickets, shop online and send money to friends and family. With iMudra, you can now book tickets faster with its quick and easy OTP feature. With this feature, you can book tickets hassle-free in just 4 steps.

Here's how to book tickets using iMudra OTP feature

1. Initiate ticket booking on

2. Select iPay as your payment option

3. Select IRCTC Mudra and enter your phone number.

4. Enter the easy OTP generated via iMudra and app and confirm the booking. 

It is worth mentioning that the iMudra digital wallet comes with a virtual and physical card. So, whether you are purchasing goods online or offline, it can be done absolutely hassle-free and secure on every transaction. In order to sign-up for IRCTC iMudra wallet, all you have to do is visit the IRCTC iMudra website, click on "Signup" tab and fill in the details. You will be requested to verify your mobile number through OTP.

Once you are registered, you will get a virtual card and a physical card. The virtual card is like your Physical Card that can be used in the same way as a physical card to make payments, shop online etc. except that you cannot have the touch and feel of a physical card.

A registered user can have one virtual card and one physical card. User is charged Rs 10 for the virtual card and Rs 200 for the physical card. There is no card activation fees. For minimum KYC verified users, monthly wallet limit is Rs 10,000. For full KYC verified users, monthly wallet limit is Rs 1,00,000. Full KYC enables users to send money to friends and family (recipient needs to be full KYC as well), enables ATM withdrawal on the physical card.

Full KYC will be done by IRCTC iMudra agent, who will physically visit the applicant's place with a prior appointment. He will verify the hard copies of the document and upgrade the KYC. In order to top-up the IRCTC iMudra wallet, One can visit the website and click on the "Top-up" option. You will be required to enter the top-up amount. 

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