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Multipurpose Card with Aadhaar, DL and more in next Digital Census

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Census 2021, will be a huge task to determine the population in India. The data will be collected through a mobile app, Union Minister Amit Shah said. Since independence, Census 2021 will be eighth in the country. It’s going to
be the sixteenth census in the history of India.  The highlight of the events are.

Multipurpose ID Card

He also presented the idea for having a single multipurpose ID card of every citizen of India having passport, Aadhar card, bank accounts etc.

During the event, he said that “We can have just one card for all utilities like Aadhaar, passport, bank account, driving license, voter card. This is a potential,”. 

Digital Sensus In 2021

While talking about 2021 senses, he said that Centre plans to spend ?12,000 crore on the same along with preparation of the National Population Register (NPR). Adding more information he said that the data for census 2021 will be collected through a mobile app.

According to him “A mobile app will be used in Census 2021. It will be a transformation from paper census to digital census,”. As the census exercised in 2011 was paper-based.

Around 33 lac enumerators would be mobilized for data collection and it will be conducted in 16 different languages to help people to fill their data properly, said Mr Shah.

The government has announced that the next census will conduct in two phases according to reference data 1 March 2021.

For Jammu and Kashmir and snow-bound areas of Himachal Pradesh and Uttarakhand, the reference date should be the first day of October, 2020, the notification said.

On August 12, A pre-test of Census 2021 is started and will continue till the end of this month.

Home Secretary Rajiv Gauba last month said “the census is not only an exercise of headcount, but also provides invaluable socio-economic data which forms a credible basis for informed policy formulation and allocation of resources. The changing demography and socio-economic parameters reflected by the census help in reformulation of the country’s plans for the economic development and welfare schemes for its people,”.(reference NDTV)

Life Status Update

He also suggested that there should be a system to update the information about people who died. So the population data will get updated automatically.

According to him if a child gets birth and does not die up to the age of 18, then he/she should be able to vote automatically without applying for a voters card.

He also added, “It will help in solving several issues like law and order, gender equality,”.

In 140 years for the history of the census in India, for the first time, data will be collected through a mobile app. The people who go for door to door counting will be encouraged to use this application in their own phone.

National Population Register

The center planned to prepare an NPR by September 2020 to turn out citizens register in the country. According to him, the NPR is being prepared for the first time in the 2021 census in the country.  

When NPR is completed then it will create a base for pan-India National Registration of Citizens will be rolled out as already done in Assam.

Amit Shah said “Population census is an exercise that helps to provide people the benefits of the government schemes. National Population Register (NPR) will help the government solve many issues in the country. The Census 2011 data used for Ujjwala Yojana to increase domestic LPG cylinder coverage,”. 

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