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Here is how to link Aadhaar, PAN with SBI via Online

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For KYC norms, furnishing Aadhaar card and Permanent Account Number (PAN) details have become important today. In case of a bank account - be it any service like account opening, applying for debit card or credit card, availing loans, or
opting for savings account, current account, fixed deposits, recurring deposits, etc - you will have to furnish your PAN and Aadhaar card details. The PAN card is issued in a laminated format, which has information like date of birth, name, age and 10-digit number. While, Aadhaar number is a 12-digit random number issued by the UIDAI (“Authority”) to the residents of India. 

However, if you are a State Bank of India (SBI) customer and have not linked your PAN card and Aadhaar card with bank account for any reason, then do not worry. Your lender does offer you the easiest medium to complete this procedure. SBI provides you with multiple channels to link your Aadhaar number and PAN details to your existing account, among which one of the easiest and less time-consuming is SBI Online.

Aadhaar linking :-

SBI Internet Banking portal

Step 1 - Log into 

Step 2 - Navigate to "Update aadhaar with Bank account" under "My Accounts", appearing on the left panel of the screen. 

Step 3 - On the next page, select the Account number, input the Aadhaar number and click on Submit. 

Step 4 - The last 2 digits of registered mobile number (non-editable) will be displayed to you. 

Step 5 - Status of mapping will be advised to you on your registered mobile number. 

PAN linking :-

Step 1 - Log into 

Step 2 - Navigate to” Profile-PAN Registration“ under "My Accounts", appearing on the left panel of the screen. 

Step 3 - On the next page, select the Account number, input the PAN number and click on Submit. 

Step 4 - Your request will be forwarded to branch for processing. • Branch will process your request in 7 days 

Step 5 - Status of mapping will be advised to you on your registered mobile number.

If you are not yet registered for Internet Banking, you can do so online using your ATM cum Debit Card details.

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