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Lock, unlock Aadhaar via SMS in just 3 steps

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Are you worried about your Aadhaar number’s privacy and security? The Unique Identification Authority of India (UIDAI) offers Aadhaar holders’ to lock or unlock their Aadhaar number. Once you lock your Aadhaar number, you can not carry out
any authentication service. It can be done through UIDAI’s website and SMS as well.

One important thing to note here is that once you have locked your Aadhaar number, you will have to use a 16-digit virtual ID to authenticate yourself for KYC (know your customer) purposes. Therefore, before you lock your Aadhaar number, make sure to generate virtual ID otherwise you will not be able to lock your Aadhaar number. Virtual ID can be generated from UIDAI’s website or by simply sending an SMS from your mobile number registered with UIDAI’s database.

Locking Aadhaar number via SMS

Step 1: Send an SMS from your registered mobile number to 1947 in the format- GETOTP<SPACE>Last four digits of Aadhaar number, to receive a one-time password (OTP). For instance, if your Aadhaar number is 1234 4321 5678, then SMS will be sent as GETOTP 5678
Step 2: Once you send an SMS, UIDAI will SMS you 6-digit OTP
Step 3: Send another SMS which in the format- LOCKUID<SPACE>Last four digits of Aadhaar number<SPACE>6digit OTP number.

After sending the SMS, UIDAI will lock your Aadhaar number and send confirmation message for the request made by you. In case, your mobile number is registered with more than one Aadhaar number, send last eight digits of your Aadhaar number, for example, GETOTP 4321 5678, in place of last four digits.

Unlock Aadhaar number via SMS-

Step 1: Send an SMS from your registered mobile number to 1947 in the format- GETOTP<SPACE>Last six digits of your Virtual ID number. For instance, if your virtual ID is 1234 5678 9012 4321, then SMS will be sent as GETOTP 124321
Step 2: After receiving an SMS sent by you, UIDAI will SMS you 6-digit OTP.
Step 3: Now, send another SMS to unlock your Aadhaar number in the format- UNLOCKUID<SPACE>Last six digits of Virtual ID<SPACE>6 digit OTP number.

Once you sent the SMS to UIDAI, you will receive a confirmation message for the request made by you.

You can generate your virtual ID by sending an SMS from your registered mobile number to 1947. The format should be- GVID<SPACE>Last four digits of your Aadhaar number. For instance, taking the above example, an SMS will be sent as GVID 5678. After sending the SMS, UIDAI will send you your 16-digit virtual ID through SMS.

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