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Railways will Stop Train Delays forever, Details of their Plans

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Indian Railway taking a special step to ensure that there is a punctual running of trains and restricting the delays. According to Mr. Deepak Sharma, Chief Public Relations Officer (CPRO), headquarters of Northern Railway shall
be running a special drive across all its divisions in order to run services as per scheduled timings.

Also according to their action plan, Indian Railways officials would be present in the drive and would be traveling in the trains from point “A” to point “B” to ascertain the cause behind the train delays. 

Live Monitoring :-

The train operator would be observed with an eye on punctuality and the drive is a continuous process that will be pursued by the zone on a regular basis.

Another great feature to be launched according to Mr. Deepak Sharma is, now live monitoring will be done for all the trains on the route, including Rajdhani and Shatabdi Express trains.

The “eDrishti” dashboard is developed by Centre for Railway Information System (CRIS) and allows users to track any information related to their train and when they are no a move.

It allows the users to check the movement of the trains across the country, train punctuality, freight loading and unloading, details of the railway station and much more..

18- Point Action Plan Prepared By The Northern Railways :-

The headquarters of Northern Railways has prepared a strict 18- Point action plan which has been sent to all the railway zones across the country.

Apart from the live monitoring of the trains and the Railways officials traveling in it to determine the reason behind the delay the plan also emphasized that as many as 22 trains of the Delhi Division plying on the routes of Delhi – Ambala, Delhi – Rohtak, Delhi – Saharanpur and all the other trains plying on the Northern Railways route wil be included in the special drive.

Stringent Rules To Be Made Applicable To Prevent Delays

To put at end to the delays of train, the Northern Railway Zone had ordered all the railways division operating under its administration to operate the train services exactly according to the time constricted schedules.

It has also instructed the Delhi and Ambala Railway divisions to achieve 90% efficiency in their scheduled departures and arrivals and to follow the train timings as per the schedules.

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