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Aadhaar number lock, e-KYC, VID generation and more with SMS

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Unique Identification Authority of India (UIDAI introduced a service called “Aadhaar Services on SMS” which allows Aadhaar Number holders, who do not have access to internet, resident portal,m-Aadhaar etc. to use various Aadhaar services
like Virtual ID generation, retrieval, Aadhaar lock/unlock etc. through SMS.

Residents can avail Aadhaar services by sending an SMS from their registered mobile number to 1947. It may be noted that OTP authentication is a must for Aadhaar lock/unlock and biometric Lock/unlock function. However, you don’t require an OTP for VID generation and retrieval.

VID or Virtual ID is a temporary, revocable 16-digit random number mapped with your Aadhaar number. It can be used in lieu of Aadhaar number whenever authentication or e-KYC services are performed. Authentication may be performed using VID in a manner similar to using Aadhaar number.

To get OTP, just send GETOTPLAST < last four digits of your Aadhaar number >. For example – GETOTP 1234.

In order to strengthen the privacy and security of Aadhaar number holders, UIDAI introduced a feature to lock and unlock Aadhaar Number. After locking the Aadhaar number, authentication cannot be performed using Aadhaar number. In that case, one can use their VOD to perform authentication. This feature helps prevent the misuse of your Aadhaar number by anyone else. Unlocking your Aadhaar number resumes the use of Aadhaar number for authentication.

Here’s how to lock/unlock Aadhaar number via SMS

1. Locking:

For locking your Aadhaar number, send OTP request as just send GETOTPLAST < last four digits of your Aadhaar number >. For example – GETOTP 1234. Then send locking request as – > LOCKUID < last four digits of your Aadhaar number > 6 DIGIT OTP. You will get a confirmation message for your request. Once it is locked you will not be able to perform any form of authentication (Biometric, Demographic or OTP) using your Aadhaar Number.

2. Un-Locking:

In order to unlock your Aadhaar number, you must have your latest Virtual ID. Just Send OTP request like – GETOTPLAST < last four digits of your Aadhaar number >. Then send unlocking request as –  UNLOCKUIDLAST < last four digits of your Aadhaar number >  6 DIGIT OTP. You Aadhaar number will be unlocked.

In case of any issue with respect to the SMS not being sent, UIDAI says to contact your telecom service provider as it may be a case of bad network or non-functioning SMS service or low balance etc.

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