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IRCTC latest ticket booking rules

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Indian Railway Catering and Tourism Corporation (IRCTC) earlier this year introduced new rules of booking Tatkal tickets i.e tickets that are booked at the last minute by those who want to travel on an urgent basis.
Ticket booking process on IRCTC website is simple and now hassle-free.

Here is how to register, book e-ticket, tatkal ticket, get concession for disabled, or cancel the e-ticket...

1. How to register

Register on IRCTC website is absolutely free. You need to click on the sign up link on home page of

Then click Submit button, following which a pop-up will appear.

Read the text in the pop-up window, click “OK” button to proceed further for registration if the entered email id and mobile number are correct.

2. How to book e-ticket?

Register by filling the required fields. Login by entering your user name and password.The “Plan my travel” page appears.If the From/To station selected by you are correct in the route of the train then :Select e-Ticket option.

3. Tatkal ticket booking

AC Tatkal tickets booking starts from 10 am and non-AC ticket booking to begin at 11 am. You have to book the ticket a day before the travelling date

4. Refund rules

If a train is more than three hours late, the passenger can claim complete refund of fare and Tatkal charges.

A passenger can claim a full refund if the train’s route is diverted and the passenger doesn’t want to travel on that route.

A passenger can claim refund on Tatkal tickets if the train’s route is diverted and the boarding station/destination or both are not on the diverted route.

A passenger can claim full refund if he/she is accommodated in lower class and doesn’t wish to travel in the lower class and the passenger has paid the difference if he/she agrees to travel in the lower class.

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  1. is there any Agency system continue ? or closed? what about if server down and train time is over

  2. Railways caused major inconvenience to passengers, by reducing general compartments in cheran express and many others. Also noisy generators.

  3. I for one feel pity to the drivers whose train is completely airconditioned and their own cabin is a non-a/c one. Railway authorities should think about their aminities while keeping the safety part of the passengers in mind.
