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Global internet to likely shut down over next 48 hours?

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Is Internet is shutting down entirely for 48 Hours. This may happen in the next 48 hours, and once this happens, then you won’t be able to open any website.

Why is this happening? And what can be done to avoid this shutdown?

Here are 5 facts of this trending news :-

Internet Corporation of Assigned Names and Numbers or ICANN will be shutting down their main domain servers and related infrastructure, globally. This is a maintenance exercise and will be carried over in the next 48 hours.

ICANN is the non-profit organization which maintains domain servers, namespaces and critical databases which are responsible for a stable Internet for all.

We need to know what exactly is happening here. ICANN, in the next 48 hours, will change the cryptographic key which protects the DNS or Domain Name System for all websites. DNS, in layman terms, is the address book of all websites of this world. DNS converts a domain name to an IP Address so that your computer can open our website.

Now, once DNS is switched off, then no computer or mobile can read any website, and hence, the whole Internet will crash down.So, it is temporary shutdown.

Your local ISP or Internet Service Provider is the only entity which can ensure that your Internet works.

ICANN and all ISPs work this way: There are over 130 locations at which where exists hundreds of servers. Now, when a server is down somewhere, the nearest server picks up the load and the continuity of Internet is maintained.

Now, the ISPs will need to ensure that if the DNS service of one location is turned off, they can maintain connectivity using other servers of the Root Zone.

ICANN had informed all ISPs about this, but, not everyone will be prepared.

David Conrad, ICANN‘s Chief Technology Officer, said: “It is almost certain there will be at least a few operators somewhere across the globe who won’t be prepared, but even in the worst case, all they have to do to fix the problem is, turn off DNSSECvalidation, install the new key, and reenable DNSSEC and their users will again have full connectivity to the DNS.”

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