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UIDAI begins phased rollout of face authentication from Sep 15

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UIDAI has rolled out a phased rollout of face recognition feature as an additional mode of authentication, starting with telecom service providers from September 15.

It has also proposed a monetary
disincentive for telcos found slipping on the prescribed targets from mid next month. For authentication agencies other than telecom service providers (TSPs), UIDAI said specific instructions will be issued on implementation of face authentication feature, but did not give a fresh deadline.

Unique Identification Authority of India (UIDAI) has further said ‘live face photo’ capture and its verification with the photo obtained in eKYC will be essential in those cases where Aadhaar is used for issuance of mobile SIMs.

UIDAI CEO Ajay Bhushan Pandey said "This instruction (for matching live face photo with eKYC photo) will apply only where Aadhaar is used for issuance of SIMs. As per Telecom Department’s instructions, if SIM is issued through other means without Aadhaar, then these instructions will not apply"

Further added "TSPs are hereby directed that with effect from September 15, 2018 at least 10 per cent of their total monthly authentication transactions shall be performed using face authentication in this manner. Any shortfall in transactions using face authentication would be charged at Rs 0.20 per transaction"

Circular read "It shall be the responsibility of the TSP that the live photo thus captured shall be verified at their backend system with the photo received in eKYC before activation of the SIM. “The TSP shall store both the photos in its database for audit purpose…this process shall be followed for the eKYC performed for all the customers for issuance of SIM cards,"

It has been noticed that due to non-readiness of few device providers, the various AUAs (Authentication User Agencies) were not in a position to implement face authentication with effect from August 1, 2018.

“Therefore, to avoid any inconvenience to public it has been decided to roll out the face authentication in a phased manner,” UIDAI said.

This is published unedited from the PTI feed.

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