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Twitter Launches Direct Messages Requests Tab, Quality Filter Tool

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Social Media giant, Twitter has officially launched a new filtering tool for Direct Messages on its platform by which users will be able to filter out unwanted messages. 

Twitter will now
show two sections - Inbox and Requests. While the Inbox tab will be filled with messages from users you follow, the Requests tab will contain messages from people you don't.

Via a post Twitter has said " social media platform will now be segregating messages to help users sort out incoming Direct Messages from people they follow and those they don't. As mentioned, when you receive a DM from a Twitter non-follower, the message is directed to the Requests tab. When you enter the conversation, Twitter will ask you to select between Delete and Accept messages. Once you accept the message, you will be allowed to engage with the particular user, and the message will be moved to the Inbox tab"

To disable or enable the quality filter for message requests, at the top of your Requests tab, tap Change settings. In the Privacy section of your Message settings, toggle the slider next to the Quality filter. 

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