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TRAI Issues Changes to Interconnect Regulations

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Telecom Regulatory Authority of India -TRAI has released new amendments to the interconnect regulations, proposing certain changes in terms and conditions for an operator to seek fresh call connect ports from other telcos.

TRAI amendenment states
Telecommunication Interconnection (Amendment) Regulations, 2018, Trai has said that a service provider can ask another operator for additional ports in case the projected utilisation of the capacity at the interconnect point is likely to exceed 85 per cent over a 60-day period.

“The time-frame for provisioning of ports for initial interconnection and augmentation of ports at POls (points of interconnect) is increased to 42 working days,” TRAI said in a statement.

“…the first such forecast shall be provided within sixty days of the commencement of the Telecommunication Interconnection (Amendment) Regulations, 2018 and thereafter on the 1st April and 1st October every year,” the TRAI statement said.

The issue of inter-connectivity had emerged as a major flashpoint between Reliance Jio and old telecom operators like Bharti Airtel, Vodafone and Idea Cellular, at the time when the newcomer launched its services in 2016.

Reliance Jio had accused other operators of not providing it sufficient points of interconnect leading to call failures, while operators blamed the free calls offered by the newcomer for the tsunami of network traffic.

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