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Solar panels atop Indian Railways passenger trains

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Indian Railways have now decided to run solar power in train coaches and this huge step for renewable energy sector in India, as one single step can trigger thousands, millions more.

Indian Railway Organization for Alternate Fuels (IROAF)
has been allocated the task of fitting train coaches with solar panels, which will power lights and fans inside coaches.  Solar panels will be installed on the rooftop of Sitapur Delhi-Riwari passenger train coaches. Earlier, IROAF had installed solar panels on some coaches of diesel–electric (DEMU) trains, and the result has been fascinating.

Solar panels will be soon installed over coaches of 14203/04 Varanasi–Lucknow Intercity, 54255/56, Varanasi–Lucknow via Pratapgarh, 54334/33 Lucknow–Varanasi via Faizabad.

Note here, that as of now, IROAF is installing solar panels only above non-AC coaches of passengers and express trains. The cost of installing solar panels on each coach is approximately Rs 9 lakh, as per details shared by IROAF officials. 

Govt. has already announced that 7000 railway stations would be now powered by solar energy, and a budget of Rs 8100 crore has already been allocated.

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  1. India have best
    Plan of the save a non renewable energy source
    Our new generation like a energy.

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  2. its such a great vision to see you guys but i miss the chance to part of u

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