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Now Recharge your Mobile, Book Flights on Flipkart

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Flipkart is one of the successful India’s home grown ecommerce portal is all set to enter into flight booking and mobile recharge.

Flipkart app is now live
with mobile recharge facility, directly via main menu. PhonePe, the mobile wallet from Flipkart already had this option since long.

Latest is that Flipkart has included this facility directly on their app, which means that pre-paid users can now easily, and seamlessly recharge their mobiles. New version of app also showcases the option to book flight tickets, and this facility has been arranged in partnership with MakeMyTrip.

In the month of May, Flipkart’s entry into online travel niche in partnership with MakeMyTrip signifies several changes. This is for the first time that Flipkart has included flight booking option in their banquet of services. Flipkart to leverage their market position, and to attract new users into their platform.

Flipkart alone has more than 100 million users, and PhonePe is fast catching up on Paytm, and becoming one of the widely used wallets.

Mixing features of mobile recharges, and by using PhonePe’s instant UPI based cashless payments, Flipkart wants a greater pie of the digital economy.

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