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Jio GigaFibre price, data plan details and more

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Mukesh Ambani has proudly announced that Jio is coming with Giga Network and users of Jio are eagerly awaiting to use it since a month.

As of the reports, Gigafiber to be
launched to selected cities in the first trial base and later on to be rolled out in the entire nation. Analysts says that the price plan might start at Rs 500-700 per month range, offering a whopping 100 GB of data at starting speeds of 100 Mbps bundled with value-added services such as internet TV and video-calling. 

Jio may even offer services for free for the initial 3-6 months, said a few analysts, mirroring its earlier wireless services pricing strategy for attracting home broadband customers who tend to be stickier than mobile phone users.

Senior industry executive, said “Jio will choose the initial cities for launch based on early demand levels for its home broadband services after the registration process kicks off from August 15, especially since there will be costs involved in extending lastmile connectivity,” 

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  1. 100 gb is not whopping for Fibre connection .

    1. Hi, Good morning. Pls suggest me the best plan for Home Fiber with wifi, as I want a good alternative to the present one I have been using.
      Thanks. K H Singha

  2. Pls suggest me the best plan for Home Fiber with wifi, as I want a good alternative to the present one I have been using.

    Many Regards/
    Mukund @ 8130284050

  3. Really only 100 Gbs ? That is not good enough.. Bogus plan..

  4. The name is giga fiber and it will be offering the speed of 100 Mbps only....and only 100GBs its not enough for me.

  5. They have put the pipe to my building but no wording has past two months

  6. When it will be available at kanpur u p

  7. Jio giga fibar more imformation me

  8. When it will launch at Salipur in Cuttack District of Odisha, Please Inform me I will interested with it.
