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Digital system for airport entry may roll out soon by Govt

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Ministry of Civil Aviation has announced that it is to launch digital technology to enhance air passenger experience all the way from ticket booking to airport entry check, security check and aircraft boarding.

Suresh Prabhu, Union Minister for Commerce
& Industry and Civil Aviation said at the sidelines of GJEPC 44th Gem & Jewellery Awards in Mumbai said " We have this programme called DigiYatra, which hopefully will be introduced in a few months itself,(Under this) the moment you will enter the airport, your images will be captured and then you will be able to go through the full lifecycle of your travel in a seamless manner,.

The basic objective is to reduce queues at airports and bring efficiency to the boarding process.

Prabhu says " It is not just Aadhaar (based). It is beyond Aadhaar. Once you establish your identity you will be able to pass through the entire lifecycle of the travel and this facility is optional. If somebody does not want to disclose identity, there will be separate provision for them. So we are strongly following Supreme Court’s guidelines. DigiYatra is a unique system which we will be introducing in a few months,"

The facility will use digital technology to enhance air passenger experience all the way from ticket booking to airport entry check, security check and aircraft boarding.

For this a passenger needs to enrol in to DigiYatra program through AirSewa app and a DigiYatra verified passenger will get hassle free entry at airport through E-Gates.

The ID verification will be done by the BCAS-approved Government ID. At the entry gate a single token for the passenger will be created.

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