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Facebook three new India-first features, here are the details

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In order to boost usage of its Stories Service in India, Facebook has introduced 3 new features by which it can  lets users save photos and videos for later viewing, upload Voice Posts and archive Stories to ‘re-live those memories’.

Users can now save the photos and videos
they capture from the Facebook camera. These will be only available for them to see. The idea behind this feature is to let users save space on their smartphones as the photos and videos get saved on the cloud. They can also be saved and shared later.

Connor Hayes, Director of Product Management, Facebook Stories said "only those photos and videos taken from the Facebook camera can be saved on this platform. This feature is available on Facebook for Android for now. There is no word if the feature is coming to iOS users or not."

Voice post feature will let users post audio notes in the same way as they do for stories. These can be accompanied by images saved in the handset.

Hayes adds that Facebook is adding this feature in order to “help people share and connect with their friends and family on Facebook in ways that are authentic to them.” He adds that “Voice posts give people a new medium through which to express themselves.” The feature is also said to be optimised for low data/network conditions. It is also possible for other people to share your voice posts on the News Feed.

Voice post feature is limited to 20 seconds. It has been mentioned that this particular feature is on FBLite for now but will soon be coming to the regular Android app as well. Since voice posts work in a similar fashion as stories, it will disappear after 24 hours.

Facebook Stories Archive feature lets users save their stories to view, re-live them and share them. This feature is coming in next few weeks. If users want, they can choose to not save them.

“You will be asked if you want to archive your Stories, and you will need to tap “OK”. If you do not want to archive your Stories, you have the option to decline. You can go back and view these Stories at any time, or choose to reshare them as a post or story. If you share a voice post to Stories, it will disappear from your story after 24 hours. You can still find it in your Stories Archive if you have Archive turned on,” explains Hayes.

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