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Send Money via PayPal while you Skype

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Skype users are said to use multiple browsers while having a payment conversation with their clients or other purpose are now be cool with a new feature of payment process.

Many of from us, use PayPal app to initiate any payment while Skype Conversations. A great deal has been set between Skype and PayPal by which users can now easily send money while having their conversations on Skype Mobile app using PayPal gateway. PayPal and Skype have been teamed up to enable customers to send money directly from Skype mobile app via PayPal. 

How to link up Skype with PayPal feature :- 

1. Users should use Send Money Feature and confirm location (as it works only in few countries)

2. Link your Skype Accounts with PayPal

3. Finally PayPal will manage all transactions of your Skype Accounts.

Skype users are aware that, Send Money Feature is only for sending money between family and friends and not meant for all goods and services payments. It is free when you use one's PayPal balance or Debit card while doing a transactions. At the time of using Credit Card, users will incur a fee of 3.4% of sending money with addition of $0.30 per transaction.

Right now this feature is available in the Countries which are mentioned below :- 

US, U.K.,  Austria, Belgium, Canada, Cyprus, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Portugal, San Marino, Slovakia, Slovenia and Spain.

Skype has bought the same feature on its desktop app back in 2007 and for the first time Skype bought PayPal feature for its mobile application. 

Users from the countries listed above can have a try on Send Money Feature on their Skype app on iOS and Android... 

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