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HIBP website Lets You Check Password Strength Against 320 Million Leaked Passwords

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Want to known your whether your Password is leaked online or being used for any purpose and caution you to change it. We come up with a innovative technology which has come up into use these days to help you to check one's password has been breached or not. 

Worldwide Web is being in term of good and aside of bad things which are turning out to be worsen these days as there are many data breach cases being filed. In the recent times we had come over many data leaked news where most important personal information like passwords, usernames, and email addresses had been compromised and they are out online as a free source by which cyber crimes with stolen credentials are rising. 

Aside of a this one could easily check their password has been breached via an online website named 'Have I Been Pwned' (HIBP) which helps to identify that data publicly available. Institutions can get into match the passwords entered by Users were stolen or not from the collection and if any, users can be warned to change of their passwords with a caution note. 

HIBP has been created by Troy Hunt who is said to be a mastermind and even helped many companies to get secured with their online networks as his portal has revealed more 320 Million passwords are compromised with recent data breaches. However pwned-passwords doesn't reveal email addresses and usernames of the passwords available on the site. 

Actual purpose of Have I Been Pwned is let to known users whether their email addresses has been breached without showing up their passwords. Troy Hunt has come up with a really a great feature by which companies and users can easily come to known about their data being hacked or not. 

HIBP will help companies and general Worldwide web users to secure their password when they enter a password which has been earlier compromised. It is known that HIBP website is free, users can get directly into portal and check whether their password has been breached. Troy has posted on his blog about passwords "The point of the web-based service is so that people who have been guilty of using sloppy passwords have a means of independent verification that it's not one they should no longer be using"

This open for all service can be accessed securely via Internet and one could go for a offline access by downloading a 5.3GB size file. National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) and UK's National Cyber Security Centre have supported Troy Hunt's idea of Have I Been Pwned (HIBP).

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