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How to disable Autoplaying Facebook Videos

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Facebook has enabled the auto play of videos in the News Feed recently to make it an easier way to watch and the feature makes great option for those who watch a lot of videos and have a fast Internet connection. But for many of us, it becomes annoying when every video start playing in your stream. If the feature is driving you insane, we are here to help, as following some simple steps on your settings, you can easily keep the clips static as you scroll through your feed.

Here is the easy-to-follow guide
to learn how to disable auto-playing videos on both web and the mobile.

On the Web

1. Log into you FB account and Go to the video settings page. Go to the down arrow button at the top-right of your Facebook homepage. Scroll down to go to"Settings."

2. Click on the "Videos" option at the very bottom of the left-hand settings menu. You will notice "Auto-play Videos” under the "Video Settings,"

3. Click on the down arrow and change your option to "Off."

On Android/Windows

1. Click on the three horizontal lines ("More") icon at the bottom-right of your screen, on the Facebook app.

2. Scroll down to "Settings" and click on "Videos." Tap on the "Auto-play" in the "Video Settings" menu and choose the option "OFF" or to "Wi-fi only" if it's okay for videos to autoplay when you are on Wi-Fi in the drop down menu.

On the iPhone

If you are using the Facebook app for iPhone, then follow the guide to stop the automatic videos play.
1.Click on the horizontal lines icon "More" at the bottom right corner of screen.

2. Scroll down and go to settings

3. Click on Videos and Photos in the Account Settings

4. Tap on Auto-play and choose the option Never Auto-play Videos to completely stop Facebook videos from automatically playing.

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