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Apple’s new iPhone 6s Ad stresses on 3D Touch

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Apple has released a new ad for the iPhone 6s, which focuses on the similar line “the only thing that’s changed is everything,” but the ad focuses on the standout new feature of the device: 3D Touch.

Apple emphasizes on the use cases of
3D Touch explaining briefly on how it works. As informed earlier, 3D Touch is quite a different software implementation of the technology, which is offered on the Apple Watch and the new MacBook trackpad Force Touch already. The ad briefs on the 3D Touch accessing navigation directions, music playlists, messages, Instagram profiles, and more.

Actor and singer Jamie Foxx is seen in a brief cameo in the ad, while Apple shows the 3D Touch to preview the contents of an album. Apple in the earlier month has released set of ads that highlighted the device’s health, navigation, and communication features. The company is likely to unveil new TV spots soon.

The ad message says, “This is iPhone 6s. Not much has changed, except it feels different. Now you press lightly to peek and deeper to pop. It changes how easily you can peek a flight, check a post, search for dinner - ooh, you guys are going to love that place. You can find a getaway easier - Yeah, go there. And find music easier - wait, are you listening to your own song? So pretty much everything you do feels different and that's what's changed.”

It is best to experience how 3D Touch works on an iPhone 6s, as you can’t tell everything within 30 seconds, and there are lot more 3D Touch interactions which are not in the ad video, like home screen shortcuts, live photos, live wallpapers or the touchpad.

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