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Twitter launches Advertising on New 'Moments' Feature

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Twitter Inc. isn’t wasting any time in cashing on its latest product, as it has rolled out the news of bringing advertising to its "Moments" feature. The Moments feature was launched two weeks back, and it has now got the first advertiser rolled this weekend.

The feature will allow Twitter to give
advertisers a channel on the Moments for the 24 hours, where they can get to tweet, upload videos and other content. Advertising on New 'Moments' is within the trend and for native advertising, delivering the promotions, and they’ll be less easily ignored by increasingly Internet and social-networking users.

Furthermore the new initiative reflects what Twitter does with promoted tweets, but here the advertisers will be able to promote with the more photos, video content, tweets with a comprehensive story.

"Promoted Moments will have all the features of a Moment you see right now, and instead of curators creating the moment, it’ll be a brand," Twitter’s vice president of revenue for North America, Matt Derella. He further added, "The real estate they get is going to be really prominently displayed."

The new initiative becomes a revenue growth for Twitter and Derella adds that the team predicts at least one Promoted Moment each day. The video options and the Moments are premium, which can generally translate into higher ad rates. The team however did not reveal the details on how Promoted Moments will be sold.

The analysts are expecting an average estimate sale of 55 percent to $560 million in the latest quarter, which equals to 61 percent in the prior period. Twitter is likely to announce the quarterly earnings tomorrow.

The micro-blogging network has hired the former New York Times editor-at-large Marcus Mabry and other curators to ensure the quality of Moments. "Advertisers will get this incredible engagement with people coming to see what’s happening in the world, and get this really rich canvas to tell that story," Derella added.

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